The Estimated Cost per GSF: A common metric in construction science and real estate is the cost per square foot.Other measures you may see, like ‘net’, only include usable square footage in rooms, for example. Writing ‘gross’ means that the floor area that’s in between the walls is also counted. The Gross Square Footage (GSF): Gross square footage is the overall exterior size of the home based on the number of TEUs.In addition, the calculator also creates the following results: When you hit the ‘Calculate’ button, our algorithm combines all the factors and calculates the overall estimated cost of the project, instantly and for free! It’s a cost we’ve provided as a Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) estimate based on our experience with container homes, as discussed in this article on cost estimating.Īs you select the various inputs or factors in the cost calculator, each one will slightly increase or decrease the estimated cost. The calculator starts with a base estimate for the cost of building a one-TEU container home as a DIY project.